I think I'm starting to get the hang of this weekly news post thing.
- I know I was poking fun at JT just a few days ago, but sweet mother of god, I've run out of being entertained by this. I want this to be funny, but Jackie is just... I think it was Einstein that said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting new results. How many times has he sued Take 2, and how many times has he come away the victor? There is information in this legal document (pdf link) that is false, and even items that are contradictory to other things in the suit. The longer this goes on, the more it looks like Take 2 is a big windmill and Jackie is pretty damn sure it's a giant. This is of course without mention of the Game Industry Cabal that T2 is the center of. Would someone in Florida Baker Act this guy? I'm to the point where I'm honestly worried that he's gonna end up hurting himself or others.
- Maybe something a little bit happier? Nintendo is pretty cool. It's not a donation (and you know they got a few nickels to rub together laying around... the DS and Wii both print money) but it is still cool to see this kind of thing. I know not everybody digs the Penny Arcade, but Child's Play is a good cause and it's still awesome to see that much hardware.
- PAL PS3 launch uneventful, some store gives away HDTV's and cab rides to people buying PS3's. MS pokes fun. Nobody dies, and Sony doesn't want the PS3 to sell out? Uh... wait-what? Anyway, the most important thing here is not how much you enjoy the console, or how many games you could buy by getting a different console... No, it's all about how much beer that £146 price difference could buy you. It's quite a bit actually.
- Venezuela is worried that the US will invade because... Mercenaries 2 is set there? Whisky tango foxtrot? And they expect Bono - Bono from U2 fer gosh sakes - to stop... A video game? Are they, collectively, riding the crazy train? I mean if it was on the Wii and came with a weighted controller (memo to self, patent Wiimote Weights), then I could totally see them being worried about a bunch of buff, scary
bikers gamers rolling on down there to... Walk down their tank barrels and then blow some shit up. I don't see that happening so I bet they'll be OK.
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