Friday, April 13, 2007

News For The Week of April 13th

On time this week. Look at that.
  • ID says they're freakin' awesome. Are they? I haven't really cared about their last... Whatever they've made since Quake 3, so they can go fuck themselves because I paid money for that turd. Has Quake 4 even come out? I don't mean to be... Yeah, I do mean to be mean. Everything that has come out of ID since Quake 2 has been crap. They want to talk about their engine being worth using? Until that new IP doesn't smell like their last 5 titles, all I have to say is: cracker please. Pass me the sunchips.
  • David Jaffe sez he'd have left the Blu-Ray drive out of the PS3. Him and basically everyone else. Yeah, back to badmouthing the PS3. Almost not needed with that 82% drop in sales in the UK. Sure, meaningless. 12% is meaningless. 80% means that there's no one left to go "aw man I cannot wait to spentz my monies on the Playstations 3 if only they were in stock!" on the forums. They'll just sit quietly watching folding@home until a good game comes out. If I saw an 82% drop in a fairly major market, it'd be crappy pants time, which is preceisely why I do not make my own console.
  • I've avoided him so far... But man, Uwe Boll is special. Special bad. If anybody missed it this week, a scene from Postal (the movie) was leaked onto the intertubes. Not that big a deal because it's an Uwe Boll movie and by that proxy, a flaming turd. Well, this flaming turd was making fun of 9/11, which set a few people off, not too surprisingly. I guess in all reality, I would not have that big a problem with someone making fun of 9/11, but this is a semi-literate son of a bitch that routinely shits out worthless rehashes of games that I, in some cases, liked. So fuck him. Boy, I am happy today.

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