I'm David, better known as Shini on the intertubes. I hail from Seattle, home of gray skies and apparently really bad American Idol contestants. I have been gaming since the 2600, sometime around 1984 when I was four, so I blame my older male relatives for my addiction. I have fond--if not rather vague--memories of crashing snowspeeder after snowspeeder into the ground in The Empire Strikes Back.
I love the hell out of news. If I can't be playing games, I will be almost as happy reading about them. Yes, there are few things that brighten the recesses of my dark heart more than seeing another state slap down unconstitutional gaming bills. That is the very definition of schadenfreude.
Unlike Nass, I am a fanshogun. I just made that up. I largely consider myself to be secular in the fan way. If it's good enough to make me like it, I will, platform be damned. Except for the PS3. Anything on that can go to hell.*
*Don't get me wrong, I will still review PS3 games fairly, when I get around to reviewing them. When, someday, the PS3 costs less than my car.