Thursday, March 8, 2007

Go Play With Your Wii

If you can find one, that is. Although that Herculean task is a bit easier with the Wii Tracker. The site lists about a dozen internet retailers and their assorted Wii offerings (some bundled, some not). Subscribe to the RSS feed for automatic updates, or just keep checking back. Plus, it's got a handy history so you can find out you just missed the Wii by 10 minutes.

P.S. If you manage to get a Wii before I do, I shall kill you. Have a nice day!


J.A.F. said...

Kill me? You'd have to find me first!


Shini said...

At Fry's yesterday, they had 20 PS3's stacked on a pallet on the sales floor... No special anti-theft devices on them, just sitting there with a few PSP's holding them down. The employees said they haven't gotten any Wii's for about a month.

Side note: Virtua Fighter 5 is very waxy looking.